Marrakesh (مراكش in Arabic), also known under the name of Red City, is one of the biggest towns in Morocco, counting close to one million inhabitants. Founded during the 11th century, Marrakesh is an historic city featuring many monuments and cultural landmarks, and receives thousands of tourists each year.
A valid passport is required to stay in Morocco. Identity cards are not accepted. Be advised, this applies to children as well.
The currency in use is the moroccan dihram. You can use international bank cards to exchange money.
Electric devices work with a 220 V voltage.
Tap water is supposed to be drinkable in Marrakech, but be cautious and avoid drinking it ; do not accept drinks which haven't been opened in front of your. Tea and coffee are safe to drink. If possible, do not eat fruit which hasn't been peeled, or vegetables in a salad. Choose grilled meat, tajines, couscous and cooked vegetables. Don't go without first aid equipment, disinfectant, bandages, solar cream, antalgics and antidiarrhea tablets. Doctors in Morocco are well-trained and can be trusted.
Traffic may feel a little confusing : cars, buses, mules, bicycles, motorcyles have their own rules... which means it's rather difficult for an European or American driver to adjust. Use taxis to move around ; you can walk to most places of interest, so make sure you come with good shoes and a pullover (evenings can get chilly). Small taxis aren't allowed to drive outside town and will only drive you within the city walls. Ask the driver to set his meter, the trip shouldn't be over 20 or 30 dihrams. You can find supermarkets with the usual groceries, pharmaceutical products and items.
Beware of false guides ; don't buy a lot on your first day. Get used to prices, and go to the craft centre where prices are displayed to give yourself an idea. In the souks, always try to negotiate prices ; they can vary from place to place, since competition is intense between shopkeepers. Be sure to do it in a subtle way, with courtesy and without aggressivity ; remember to thank people and smile back at them.
Don't go against local customs by wearing short dresses or provocative clothing. Be discreet and respectful near religious places. Do not go inside mosques and do not take photos of people praying.